Nicole Mormann

Nicole Mormann is a senior copywriter, editor, and strategist with 8+ years of experience writing copy for brands and publications across the United States. She started in journalism, working for Orange Coast Magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, and Participant Media, before discovering her love for copywriting later in her career. As DC's lead writer, Nicole specializes in translating complex design and construction topics into thoughtfully written, engaging content pieces for consumers, with her work featured profusely across our site. When she's not hard at work, she's likely hanging out with friends, writing music, or attempting to be sporty somewhere in SoCal.

Recent Articles by Nicole

15 Ways to Use Our Barn Kits

Something we pride ourselves on here at DC is the incredible versatility of our barn kits — not just in the sense of what you can do with your design, but what purpose they can ultimately serve on your property. From backyard party barns to wineries and even “bat caves,” we’ve converted our building models … Continue reading 15 Ways to Use Our Barn Kits

Sizing Your Event Venue

Determining the right size for your wedding and event venue may seem like a simple task but it’s a bit more complex than most people realize. While it certainly helps to use other venues as a frame of reference for your design, it’s not always the most effective or accurate method for calculating your total … Continue reading Sizing Your Event Venue

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